Dallas Social Toastmasters - Tentative Schedule

2024-09-05 - 2024-09-26

If you know you will not be attending any specific date, or if you can attend but cannot fulfill your specified role,
please let the VP of Education know as soon as possible.

Meeting Roles 2024-09-05 2024-09-12 2024-09-19 2024-09-26 Meeting Roles
Toastmaster Alvin Kazachkov John Vessels Dagan Newland Faisal Said Toastmaster
Topic Master Faisal Said Karen Lee Charlie Moreland Alvin Kazachkov Topic Master
General Evaluator Mark Schroeder Kim Crandall John Vessels Tyler Madden General Evaluator
Speaker #1 Dagan Newland Ola Mustapha Gayle Marshall Gabriel Formenti Speaker #1
Speaker #2 Raj Salunke Alain Malenso Speaker #2
Speaker #3 Speaker #3
Evaluator #1 Angelica Perez Raj Salunke Faisal Said Dagan Newland Evaluator #1
Evaluator #2 Mark Schroeder John Vessels Evaluator #2
Evaluator #3 Evaluator #3
Ah Counter Kim Crandall Dagan Newland Celine Botchi Gayle Marshall Ah Counter
Grammarian John Vessels Dagan Newland Alain Malenso Karen Lee Grammarian
Posture Monitor Celine Botchi Mark Schroeder Charlie Moreland Raj Salunke Posture Monitor
Timer Karen Lee Tyler Madden Kim Crandall Celine Botchi Timer
Vote Counter Karen Lee Celine Botchi Benjamin Marte Preston Ellison Vote Counter
Invocation/Pledge Alvin Kazachkov Charlie Moreland Dagan Newland Benjamin Marte Invocation/Pledge