Meetings Every Thursday Night, 6:45pm-8:00pm
Ozona Grill and Bar, 4615 Greenville Ave, Dallas

 Visitors & Guests

Visitors are always welcome!
Visiting us at a meeting is the best way to learn about Toastmasters, and visiting is always free!  And don't worry, as a visitor or guest, you won't be asked to speak at our meetings. You can just observe and have fun!

Please plan to arrive about 6:30pm to allow time for placing food and drink orders before our meeting starts.

Guest Packet Online
Contact Us!

 Becoming a Member

Toastmasters is a proven way to improve communication and leadership skills. By strengthening your confidence and competence, you will reduce your fear of public speaking and be more successful in both business and social situations.

Joining us is easy and very low cost.
Plus, when you join Dallas Social Toastmasters, you get the added benefits of a social club!

Click here to find out more

 Members Section

Members can view our schedule, event calendar, sample agendas, speaking and leadership articles, and more!

Current Agenda
Current Schedule
More member resources