DSTM Logo Web Links

DSTM provides these weblinks that you may include on your own webpages to advertise your involvement in Dallas Social Toastmasters to all your friends and visitors to your website.

Just select the size graphic/link you want, and copy the corresponding lines into your own webpage (HTML) to create a cool graphical link to the DSTM website.

All images are © 2007 (Copyright 2007), Dallas Social Toastmasters.

DSTM Logo - xsmall

How it will appear on your website:

Include these lines on your own webpages for the xsmall weblink logo above.

<!-- Begin Dallas Social Toastmasters link -->
<A HREF="https://www.dallassocialtoastmasters.com">
<IMG SRC="https://www.dallassocialtoastmasters.com/weblink/dstmlogo_xsmall.jpg" border="0">
<!-- End Dallas Social Toastmasters link -->

DSTM Logo - small

How it will appear on your website:

Include these lines on your own webpages for the small weblink logo above.

<!-- Begin Dallas Social Toastmasters link -->
<A HREF="https://www.dallassocialtoastmasters.com">
<IMG SRC="https://www.dallassocialtoastmasters.com/weblink/dstmlogo_small.jpg" border="0">
<!-- End Dallas Social Toastmasters link -->

DSTM Logo - medium

How it will appear on your website:

Include these lines on your own webpages for the medium weblink logo above.

<!-- Begin Dallas Social Toastmasters link -->
<A HREF="https://www.dallassocialtoastmasters.com">
<IMG SRC="https://www.dallassocialtoastmasters.com/weblink/dstmlogo_medium.jpg" border="0">
<!-- End Dallas Social Toastmasters link -->

DSTM Logo - large

How it will appear on your website:

Include these lines on your own webpages for the large weblink logo above.

<!-- Begin Dallas Social Toastmasters link -->
<A HREF="https://www.dallassocialtoastmasters.com">
<IMG SRC="https://www.dallassocialtoastmasters.com/weblink/dstmlogo_large.jpg" border="0">
<!-- End Dallas Social Toastmasters link -->